Human Destiny, after Death



Question: What happens after life on Earth for us humans?  Do we go to Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, etc.  What’s next?  If you don’t believe in any of those things, where do you think we will end up?


See link below on the subject of Purgatory.


All FLESH animal and human will go to dust.

The Bible shows that “the just shall live by faith”!

That applies through all the “Covenants” of God!

There are different Destinations; depending on the Covenant of the time of living!

The Jews are subject to the “Old Covenant”, by their own choice, and their rejection at present of Christ Jesus!

The same applies to them in the “New Covenant”, by their rejection of Christ Jesus!

The Gentiles (and the Jews) are subject at present to “The Age of Grace”, and by their wills they are subject to eternal destruction, or “the Body of Christ Jesus”!

This present “Age” will end at the 2nd Advent of Christ Jesus; which will coincide with the prophecy of Zech.12:10!!

See: Dispensations / Administration   (Study)

Soul and Spirit, The Error:   (Study)

Why the Teaching of the Roman Catholic Church is not of God Almighty:   (Study)


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